Get instant access to FOUR of my signature programs to ask the Universe for help, open up to the signs and synchronicities being sent to guide you, and create the positive changes you desire in life.
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Calling in Higher Help Bundle$147
CLASS 1: The Universe is Talking to You 4-Week Masterclass
In this four-module course, I walk you through the lessons in her bestselling book on how to open up to and recognize the signs and synchronicity from the Universe and loved ones on the Other Side. It includes live exercises and Q & As from live participants.
***PLUS THESE BONUSES:My Famous Morning Prayer PDF to ignite signs and more
The Replay Your Day Journal PDF to record the signs you get
The Infuse it With Joy Exercise PDF to bring joy to anything you do (whether you like it or not, to keep your vibes up!)
The 3-Minute Reconnection Visualization mp3 to raise your vibes and reconnect to Source energy
CLASS 2: Calling In Higher Help Masterclass
Discover how to call in Higher Help for guidance and answers in any area of your life! I reveal the exact higher helpers to call on based on their specialties (money, health, relationships, career, etc.), how to use my Higher Help Method to manifest what you want and need, my supercharged way to call in help during an urgent matter, and more!
***BONUS PDF: The Higher Help Guide featuring a list of angels, goddesses, ascended master and other higher helpers and what they specialize in
Specific prayers for guidance (abundance, lost items, hopeless cases, animals, relationships and more)
Rituals for manifestation, including The Wealth Bowl Ritual and Attracting a New Love Ritual)
CLASS 3: Talking to Your Soul Masterclass
Connect directly with YOUR soul or higher self and get the the answers you need to move forward toward success in any area of your life. It also includes a channeled message from Tammy’s guides for anyone taking the class!
***BONUS PDF: Tammy’s Opening the Channel Prayer
CLASS 4: Creating a Spiritual Morning and Evening Routine
How you start and end your day has a massive effect on your mood, your manifestations and more. Discover how to create a simple spiritual morning and evening routine to keep you aligned and open to the signs from the Universe.
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“I am so happy Tammy has come into my life. She has helped me in so many ways. I highly recommend her Higher Help Masterclass. What an amazing difference it has made in my world!”
“You talked about how deceased loves ones can contact you through signs … I followed your instructions and that same day received three different signs form my daughter who passed almost 3 years ago. Words cannot describe my feelings. I’m grateful for the information I received from you and look forward to more.”
“I’ve been doing the Morning Prayer for 2 weeks now, and I wanted to share this…I had to make a bunch of calls on my day off and the last was to look at a schedule of local dental seminars because I need a certain amount of credits to renew my hygiene license. Instead of calling, I decided I would be better off just looking up the website, and was going to do it after I went to the grocery store. I was in line and this girl put all this stuff on the counter and I said “Looks like a work function” and she said yes, she coordinates local dental seminars, and it was the exact same person I was going to look for information from -- I would call that a synchronicity!”